Capital Letters
Grammar Basics
Capital Letters and Full Stops
Each sentence must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop (.). This is to clearly indicate where one sentence ends and another sentence begins.
Capital letters are also used when writing:
the pronoun “I”,
proper nouns.
Proper Nouns
Capital letters are also used with Proper Nouns no matter where they are found in the phrase.
Days of the week, months, and festivals:
Monday, Tuesday, March, Christmas, Easter
Names of the planets, including Earth:
Mars, Pluto, Earth
Official titles of people (work-related or otherwise):
Minister of Finance, Queen Elizabeth, Mr., Dr.
People’s names:
Jacob Edwards, Albert Einstein
Languages and ethnicities:
Latinos, Americans, Basque, Punjabi
Companies, brands, and organizations:
Facebook, Nike, World Health Organization
Restaurants, stores, schools, and hotels:
Franco’s Café, The Cambridge University
Names of offices, museums and theatres:
the Louvre, the Colosseum, Carnegie Hall
Monuments and parks:
the Alamo, Algonquin National Park
Cities, towns, streets, neighborhoods, etc.:
Naples, London, King st., Soho
Countries, nations, provinces, territories:
Italy, the United Kingdom, Calabria
Oceans, mountainous regions, lakes, rivers, etc.:
the Indian Ocean, the Alps, the Great Lakes
Titles of books, films, operas etc.:
The Avengers, The Divine Comedy