Use of English
Part 3: Word Formation 

B2 First Exam


In Part 3 of the Reading and Use of English Paper on the B2 First Exam, you have to fill in the gaps of a sentence using words from a text.

There are 8 gaps (plus one gap as an example), and the text is divided into 2 columns: On the left-hand side are the paragraphs with words removed. On the right are the “root” words written in capital letters. 

You need to form an appropriate word from given root words to fill each gap.

How it works

You have to know how to turn words into adjectives, nouns, verbs, or adverbs. 

You also need to know negative forms, like turning 'interested' into 'disinterested'. 

The questions don't indicate what kind of word you need to use in order to complete the phrase and you must figure it out yourself. Use the other words around the word to know if you need to write a verb, noun, adjective or adverb.


What to remember