Use of English
Part 6: Locating Information

C1 Advanced Exam


In Part 6 of the Reading and Use of English Paper on the C1 Advanced Exam, you need to read several short passages (usually 4 or 5) where people give different opinions. You then have to answer questions about those opinions: for example, Which authors share the same opinion? Which authors disagree with one another?  etc. 


After doing a bunch of these tasks, this is my approach. It seems I make the least amount of errors when using it and I find the answers faster than other methods I've tried.


There are typically 2 types of questions:

Usually, you're asked to find 3 SOs and 1 GO. However, sometimes you'll need to find only SOs for all questions, or multiple GOs and less SO, etc. 


This is the only text on the C1 Advanced exam that I recommend NOT reading in order (it's a waste of time to skim / read the entire text first. ) 
