Writing Part 1
Practice Essay 3

B2 First Exam


Here's an example of an essay that you might find on the B2 First Exam.

Try answering the question first, and then check out my answer. I've left my planning and notes for you as well.

The question:

In your English class you have been talking about different ways in which you can protect the environment. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

What can people do to help protect the environment?


Write about:

140 - 190 words



Substitutes words - synonyms - environment - the planet // help - aide 

Change the word form - Nouns - Adjective - Verbs - environment // environmental // help / helping / helpful

Concession - State the opposite opinion of what you want to say, and then say what you want to say .

Change the word order of the original statement 

Introductory Paragraph


Using bikes and walking



Example Answer

A lot of people believe that there is nothing to be done to safeguard the planet. However, there are actually many things that every day people can do such as recycling, using alternative forms of transportation, and reusing clothes that can protect the environment. 

To begin with, every day people can find ways of recycling their trash instead of contributing to the waste problem. For example, most plastics can be recycled or repurposed for other uses. As a consequence, less trash ends up in waterways and it doesn’t clog the oceans.

Another thing most people can do is walking and biking. These are modes of transportation available to almost everyone. Using these alternative forms of transport significantly reduces the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. In fact, cities that invest in this kind of infrastructure report having 30% less emissions than cities without.

Finally, almost 90% of all clothing ends up in landfills instead of being recycled. People can donate their clothing instead or find other ways of fixing and extending the life of their garments. This, in the end, can greatly reduce the amount of waste in landfills.

In conclusion, there are many things the average person can do, such as reusing clothing, recycling plastic, and walking and biking to reduce their environmental footprint.