General Study Advice

General Exam Advice

Getting ready for an exam

Studying for an exam is very stressful. Honestly, the key to doing well, especially at a high level (such as the C1 Advanced or 7+ in IELTS) is having enough time to develop your English skills to get the scores you need. It takes a lot of dedication to learn a language, but you can absolutely do it.

I never recommend doing an exam before you are ready to do it. In fact, it's really important that you consistantly can perform slightly better than you need for your exam, since the stress will probably power your score. Therefore, it is important to have your skills evaluated before booking your test to see if you're ready or not, and to know how best to improve. 

You cannot improve your weaknesses if you are unaware of them, so empower yourself by getting feedback to know exactly what you need to work on in order to improve!

Before doing any test, I recommend doing the following to prepare:

General study advice

Here are some ideas about how to do this: