Reading and Use of English
C1 Advanced Exam
90 minutes, total.
8 sections in total.
Sections 1 - 4 are for Use of English
Sections 5 - 8 are for Reading
You must manage your own time. There will be a clock on the wall or on your computer.
The Test:
The paper is composed of 7 sections and is actually made up of two parts: Reading and Use of English
Some parts are multiple choice.
Some parts require you to write words.
Questions 5 - 8 involve large reading passages.
When you write your answers, you cannot use abbreviations.
You must write in capital letters.
There are 56 questions in the Cambridge Advanced Reading & Use of English test.
There are 42 possible points in total in the Reading section.
There are 28 possible points in the Use of English section.
1 point is given for each correct answer in Parts 1, 2, 3 and 8.
For Part 4, you are awarded a mark of 2, 1 or 0 for each question, according to the accuracy of your response.
Two points are given for each correct answer in Parts 5, 6 and 7.
Correct spelling is required in Parts 2, 3 and 4.
You will receive separate scores for Reading and for Use of English.
The entire section counts towards 40% of your final grade (20% per section).