Writing Part 2
Part 2 Types with Examples
B2 First Exam
Example responses to Part 2 tasks
On this task, you will have the option to choose what you want to write. The possibilities are writing an article, an informal email or letter, a formal email or letter, report, or a review.
This section will talk the different types and how to know which one you'll have to write, as well as outline a format that you can follow.
I have prepared model examples for each of the types, which include my planning notes. I have tried to stick to the planning schemes and advice given in this website. Remember, there are many ways to write a high-scoring essay, and your strategies and layouts may differ.
My responses may not be perfect since I wrote them within the time limit.
Some examples or facts have been made up. Remember: The B2 First exam is not a knowledge test; it's an English test.
I may not actually believe all the opinions written since, as I said, some things have been made up.
I have left all of my notes and planning so you can see what could go into planning.