Use of English
Part 1: Multiple Choice
C1 Advanced Exam
Part 1: Multiple-Choice Cloze (Fill in the Blank)
Part 1: Multiple-Choice Cloze (Fill in the Blank)
In part 1 of the Reading and Use of English paper of the C1 Advanced exam, you'll be given a text with blanks. You have to select the most appropriate option to complete the phrase.
There are 8 gaps (plus one gap as an example). Each gap represents a missing word or phrase. You have to choose which one of the four words or phrases fills the gap correctly.
Shade in the corresponding block on the answer sheet, as shown in the example shown below.
You are awarded 1 point for each correct answer in this section.
Do this question last.
Since this is a multiple choice question, you can guess if you run out of time.
What to study:
phrasal verbs
common collocations