Capital Letters

Grammar Basics

Capital Letters and Full Stops

Each sentence must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop (.). This is to clearly indicate where one sentence ends and another sentence begins. 

Capital letters are also used when writing:

Proper Nouns

Capital letters are also used with Proper Nouns no matter where they are found in the phrase. 

Days of the week, months, and festivals:

Monday, Tuesday, March, Christmas, Easter

Names of the planets, including Earth:

Mars, Pluto, Earth

Official titles of people (work-related or otherwise):

Minister of Finance, Queen Elizabeth, Mr., Dr.

People’s names:

Jacob Edwards, Albert Einstein

Languages and ethnicities:

Latinos, Americans, Basque, Punjabi

Companies, brands, and organizations:

Facebook, Nike, World Health Organization

Restaurants, stores, schools, and hotels:

Franco’s Café, The Cambridge University

Names of offices, museums and theatres:

the Louvre, the Colosseum, Carnegie Hall 

Monuments and parks:

the Alamo, Algonquin National Park

Cities, towns, streets, neighborhoods, etc.:

Naples, London, King st., Soho

Countries, nations, provinces, territories:

Italy, the United Kingdom, Calabria

Oceans, mountainous regions, lakes, rivers, etc.:

the Indian Ocean, the Alps, the Great Lakes

Titles of books, films, operas etc.:

The Avengers, The Divine Comedy