Writing Part 1
Practice Essay 4

C1 Advanced Exam


Here's an example of an essay that you might find on the C1 Advanced Exam.

Try answering the question first, and then check out my answer. I've left my planning and notes for you as well.

The Question

Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

Your class has watched a round-table discussion about what young people can learn from older generations. You have made the notes below:

In which areas can young people learn from older generations?

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"People with work experience can tell you what the job you're considering is really like."

"Older people can give wise advice when you have a problem with a friend."

"It's hard to manage your money when you start living independently."

Write an essay discussing two of the areas in your notes. You should explain in which area young people could gain most from older generations, giving reasons in support of your answer.



Synonyms - 

work - jobs, employment 

relationships - friendships

young people - kids, younger generations, children 

older generations - adults, older generations

could gain - could earn

Change the word form

work - working 

relationships - relations, to relate

to learn - learning, learned 

Concession - Stating the opposite of what you want to say, and then state your point. (example)

While some people feel that older people can’t offer much advice about financial management, they actually have many valuable things to teach young people. 


Example Answer

When people are growing up, there is often a need to turn to older generations for advice and guidance. In particular, advice is needed when considering employment opportunities, or building and maintaining relationships. While older people do have lots of valuable things to say regarding jobs, young people have more to learn from the advice they can give about relationships.

There is no question that older generations have lots of experience in the working world. However, due to the fact that jobs change quickly with technological innovations and trends, they only have limited advice to offer. While older people may be be able to speculate about what a job is like, they really cannot give concrete advice about new positions they have not held. Therefore, since their experience with new jobs is limited, they are better equipped to give advice about relationships.

While jobs quickly change, the way humans form relationships does not. Problems between friends and family members have existed throughout the ages. As a result, older generations have a lot of knowledge to pass on to younger people about how to manage these interpersonal dynamics. Since their experience on this matter will always be relevant, one can safely say that younger people can gain the most from this wisdom.

In conclusion, while older generations have valuable knowledge to impart about both jobs and relationships, young people have more to learn from their knowledge about relationships.

[word count = 235]