Use of English
Multiple Choice - Example 1

C1 Advanced Exam

Part 1

For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.


0 A item B article C piece D unit

Changing Typefaces 

In what can only be described as an impressive (0) __________ of research, a schoolboy in the USA has calculated that the state and federal governments could save getting on for $400m a year by changing the typeface they use for printed documents.

Shocked by the number of printed handouts he was receiving from his teachers, the 14-yearold boy decided to investigate the cost. He established that ink (1) __________ up to 60% of the cost of a printed page and is, gram for gram, twice as expensive as some famous perfumes. He then started looking at the different typefaces and discovered that, by (2) __________ to one called Garamond with its thin, elegant strokes, his school district could reduce its ink (3) __________ by 24% annually. Working on that (4) __________ , the federal savings would be enormous. 

(5) __________ earlier studies of the (6) __________ of font choice have shown that it can affect more than just cost. The typeface that a document uses also (7) __________ how much of the information is (8) __________ and whether it is worth taking seriously.

1 A represents B measures C equals D indicates

2 A varying B modifying C adapting D switching

3 A application B intake C capacity D consumption

4 A belief B basis C impression D thought

5 A Fundamentally B Seemingly C Interestingly D Unusually

6 A issue B concern C aspect D discussion

7 A guides B rules C dominates D influences

8 A preserved B retained C accumulated D gathered


In what can only be described as an impressive (0) PIECE of research, a schoolboy in the USA has calculated that the state and federal governments could save getting on for $400m a year by changing the typeface they use for printed documents. 

Shocked by the number of printed handouts he was receiving from his teachers, the 14-yearold boy decided to investigate the cost. He established that ink (1) REPRESENTS up to 60% of the cost of a printed page and is, gram for gram, twice as expensive as some famous perfumes. He then started looking at the different typefaces and discovered that, by (2) SWITCHING to one called Garamond with its thin, elegant strokes, his school district could reduce its ink (3) CONSUMPTION by 24% annually. Working on that (4) BASIS , the federal savings would be enormous. 

(5) INTERESTINGLY earlier studies of the (6) ISSUE of font choice have shown that it can affect more than just cost. The typeface that a document uses also (7) INFLUENCES how much of the information is (8) RETAINED and whether it is worth taking seriously.

1. A  2. D  3. D  4. B  5. C  6. A  7. D  8. B