Speaking Part 3 & 4
Talking Points 2

B2 First Exam

B2 First Speaking Part 3 - Practice

This is a collaborative task with your partner.

The examiner:

Here are things that prevent crime and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task. [15 seconds]

Now, talk to each other about how these things prevent crime.

The examiner:

Thank you. Now you have a minute to decide which two things are the most effective at preventing crime.

B2 First Speaking Part 4 - Practice

For part 4, you will need to talk about topics from part 3 in more detail with your partner.

The questions always end in "why". If you don't answer the "why", the examiner will ask you.

You should answer the question, and then invite your partner to answer or give their opinion, as well. 

You should respond to your partner's answers, and you should ask for their opinions about your answers.